Forest Fairies

This week’s #minglewoodmondays is a fun adventure for parents and kids to take on together! Ms. Margie shows us how to properly gather objects from nature that have fallen and dried out and combine these with man made items like glue, glitter, tissue paper, and yarn to make a fairy to hang on your wall or to play with outside. Watch the video for some examples of fairies found around Minglewood! Step-by-step instructions below.

  1. Gather dried out and fallen items from nature to make your fairy’s body, arms, head, and wings. Be as creative as you want with what you find!

  2. Corks make excellent bodies and can be stacked together to make your fairy taller.

  3. Glue* on hair, a head, or any other accessories that seize your imagination.

  4. Now pick a dress made from tissue paper or fabric and then attach your wings and arms.

  5. Feel free to brush your tissue paper dress with watered down glue. This gives the dress a firmness and allows the sparkles to stick to it.

  6. If you’d like your fairy to stay inside, attach a small wire to its arms on the back and hang it in your house.

  7. Place your fairy around your home or outside, snap a picture, and share it with us with the hashtag, #minglewoodmondays.

*Elmers glue works well but takes a while to dry. A hot glue gun works quickly and has a strong hold, just make sure that kids are assisted so they don’t burn themselves!


Wildflower Walk


Victory Gardens