On Campus Learning

The 2022-23 school year was a record breaking year at Minglewood Farm and Nature Preserve! Minglewood staff has worked across 5 counties, visited 22 different schools and led 122 science based on-campus lessons.  

On-Campus lessons are specifically designed to align with the North Carolina learning standards. Minglewood’s staff covers learning standards while also providing unique and memorable experiences for students. We host our lessons at schools or nearby green spaces. 

Thanks to generous donations from Minglewood supporters there is limited funding available for On-Campus learning for the remainder of 2023. This funding allows Minglewood to visit classrooms at a reduced price (in some cases the lessons or field trips may be free).

On-Campus Interest Form

If you’re an educator - or just want to know more simply fill out the form below and let us know what you’re interested in.