What We Teach
Environmental Stewardship
Natural History
Tree Identification (multi-season)
Animal Characteristics (track identification, bird identification, pollinator behavior)
Native and Non-native (invasive) Species (identifying, ecosystem function, history)
Organism Interaction (succession, symbioses, food chains)
Types of Habitats
Sustainable Agriculture
Organic Produce and Flower Farming
Chemical Free Pest and Weed Treatment
Natural Soil Amendments
Cover Cropping
Harvesting and Processing Vegetables and Cut-flowers
Three Season Agriculture
Growing in a Greenhouse
Knowing When, Where, and What to Grow
Native Pollinators
Flower Arranging
Tree Identification
Natural History of North Carolina Flora and Fauna
Cover Cropping Basics
Seasonal Gardening

Kindergarten Lessons:
Weather: Tools and Patterns (K.E.1)
Living vs. Non-Living (K.L.1)
Fourth Grade Lessons:
Sense of Place: Local North Carolina History
Fossils (4.E.2.1, 4.E.2.2)
Moon Phases (4.E.1)
Earth’s Surfaces: Changing Surfaces (4.E.2.3)
Weather: Data Collection, Tools and Measurements (EX.4.E.1)
Ecosystems (4.L.1)
First Grade Lessons:
Soil Science: Introduction to Soil Types and Properties (1.E.2)
Living and Non-Living Things (1.L.1)
Habitats and Environments:
Overview of Types
North Carolina Focus (1.L.1)
Forest Ecosystems and Habitats (1.L.1)
Day and Night (1.E.1)
Second Grade Lessons:
Weather: Introduction to Tools and Patterns (2.E.1)
Life Cycles: Insects (2.L.1)
Life Cycles: Plants (2.L.1)
Ecosystems (EX.2.L.2)
Fifth Grade Lessons:
Weather: Tools and Measurements (5.E.1)
Food Webs and Energy Pyramids (5.L.2.2, 5.L.2.3)
Ecosystems: Types and Overview of Organism Function (5.L.2)
Third Grade Lessons:
Weather: Patterns and Tools for Measuring
Soil: Components, Properties, and Plants (3.E.2)
Earth’s Features:
General Overview
NC Specific (3.E.2)
Plants: Lifecycle of a Seed Plant (3.L.2.3)
Plants: Anatomy (3.L.2.1)
Moon Phases (3.E.1.1)
Shadows (3.E.1.2)
All of our curriculum can be adapted to fit each grade level and various needs of classrooms.
Please email Natalie if you have any questions or for more information!
What People Are Saying
“Margie and Bill Imus are great hosts - whether it's a small group OR 50 first graders! Experimental learning at it's best! Advocates of nature, conservation, preservation, education while sharing their beautiful farm and nature preserve.”
-Carolyn, First Grade Teacher
“Your enthusiasm for the topic you were teaching was great! Students were excited to be there because you were excited to be there!”
-Mt. Olive Elementary, 4th Grade Science Teacher
“I love being a scientist!”
- Jones Elementary 3rd grader
“The leaders had strong classroom management and the lesson was perfectly matched to our standards being addressed in science. The activity was age appropriate and so fun! The perfect mix of group and independent work! I cannot wait to work more with your group! A +”
-Poplar Springs Elementary, 3rd Grade Teacher
“I loved how it was interactive and aligned with our curriculum. I also loved the corresponding sheet that helped keep them responsible for their learning. [The students] definitely loved the interactive part of the program. Creating landscapes and modeling erosion was a lot of fun (and educational).”
- JJ Jones Intermediate School, 4th grade teacher
“Our home school group visited here last week and we loved it! Margie and Bill are so hospitable and they inspired us with their passion for nature and growing organic food. We all learned a lot from them and their beautiful farm. It was wonderful spending the day out in the fresh air with the children. A real special place. I look forward to going back!”
-Misty, Homeschool Leader
"I wanted to tell you the excitement that I felt from the students and teachers when they returned to school! They were so happy and carrying their artifacts and smiling ear to ear! Thank you for exposing students (everywhere) to a rich experience!"